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Adaptive PE Class During Disability Awareness Week

Adaptive PE Class During Disability Awareness Week

During Disability Awareness Week at Forest Elementary School, fourth grade students in Mr. Sloma's PE class had the opportunity to experience playing a game while in a wheelchair.

The class began with the students splitting up into four groups and standing in lines on one side of the gym.

Mr. Sloma put bean bags on the floor on the other side of the gym and the students were tasked to get to the other side while riding in a wheelchair.

They had to grab a bean bag and go back as fast as they could to their teammates.

When they made it back to their teammates, they added the bean bag to their collection and then another student from their team had to do the same thing. 

Mr. Sloma added an extra challenge to the game.

While they were moving across the gym in the wheelchairs, Mr. Sloma rolled balls across the gym floor and if a student's chair was hit, they had to go back to the beginning.

The game gave students the chance to learn what it was like to maneuver in a wheelchair. 


  • Forest