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Social Media Safety Presentation

Social Media Safety Presentation

District 62 Student Resource Officer Matthew Stonequist recently presented to Forest fifth graders about social media safety and good practices.

Officer Stonequist began the presentation by asking the students what social media apps they use. 

He then went over how the use of social media can affect a person's brain. 

Office Stonequist also explained the importance of being aware of the risk of online predators, who can create fake online accounts and pretend to be the same age as them.

Safety tips he had for the students included going through the privacy settings on their devices with their parents and making sure their parents know their passwords. 

He also explained the importance of only accepting friend requests from known friends. 

As part of the presentation, Office Stonequist explained the definition of cyberbullying, which is the bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, and ways to combat it. 

Thank you, Officer Stonequist, for providing very important and practical information to our fifth graders!